Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Welcome readers! Okay so I'm sure the brightest among you is thinking, "She said Austin, Hunter, and Aspen were the OnlineCanines. How come I only see one dog up there?" Honestly? It's because the other two are beagles. And you wanna know what beagles look like when they aren't eating?

Like this:

Isn't that thrilling?
I would like you to note the blanket. Beagly dogs can't sleep without blankets. Preferrably under them. As I type to you now the Beagle Boys are tucked away under a blanket next to me snoring their fuzzy little heads off. And farting. Cause that's the other thing beagles do when they aren't eating or sleeping. So maybe it's a good thing they are under the blanket.

Austin Sez, "Hey! I don't always need a blanket!"

Sometimes a cat tree works just fine.

Aspen likes for people to think he's dignified and refined. He puts on a good show in public.

But honestly, most of the time he's doing something like this:

That's right, most of the time he has eyes that are LAZERS! Told ya' he was spe-shul.

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