Saturday, August 22, 2009


These pictures are actually from this spring, but I like them so you get to see them!

He’ll be comin’ round the trail when he comes!

It was so nice of Aspen to color coordinate himself to the foliage for me….

Engaging bat sonar! Who needs a GPS when you’ve got these suckers?

We played some games while we were there too. Like




“What? Where?!”

“Screw you. I’m taking the train home.”

Friday, August 21, 2009

Okay one more

Just cause it was so darn easy!

Okay just to be clear, that is not a soundtrack, it just happened to be what was playing on my Pandora station at the time. BTW, if you haven’t discovered Pandora radio yet…shame on you. That’s all I’m sayin’.

If this works…

You can all bow down to the lords of Windows Live Writer.

Okay so far so good! That, by the way, is Tag. The newest online canine. He is a redonkulous amount of cute wrapped in a Border Collie body. That’s right. I went there. The dark side! It’s not so bad akshully!

I mean, seriously, how can anything THAT cute be bad?!

“You’re okay kid….”

Being this cute is not for sissies. It’s serious stuff man.


Okay folks….it looks like you can all assume the position. This was pretty painless!

I'm really going to try to get the hang of this, I swear..

In the meantime, here are some cute puppy photos to bring up happy happy joy joy feelings.

Something new with pictures

Or not. *insert frustration smilie here*

Trying something new

Why yes, yes it has been too long since my last post. That would be because I found it a royal pain in the arse to figure out the whole blog w/ pictures thing. So I'm trying something new. Stay tuned to see how it works!